
I was born with the darkness
Gloomy night, along with the cry of thunder
I, now…
With a constant despair
and the black dog that won’t disappear

Sometimes, I just want to let go
lean on something
or just don’t care about anything
all of that
are luxuries for someone
as helpless as me

Good morning

Good morning to all weary heart out there,
who feel a bit better with the presence of the rain
a cup of coffee
a cozy blanket
and instrumental music

Good morning to all breadwinner
who might dread to start their morning commute
and dream of working from their cozy space

I wish you a good laugh today
a good event to remember
a silly friend
an accomplishment

Be gentle of your tired soul
Have a little escape to your happiness
Find a secret getaway to your calmness
And when you feel a bit too much
and let it go
let it go with each breath you take.

Inspired by this beautiful music…

Photo by Anton Darius | @theSollers on Unsplash

Something Poetic

Let me write a poem
about something beautiful
or someone beautiful
I want to write prettily

And just let my fingers guide me
like those old times
when the words just swarming
then the phrase pop out
and I don’t even know what I write

They construct themselves
and I just obliged
I am a mediator
of words
within me
or surrounding me
they whisper
and nudge
they demand
to be written
to be seen
to be deliver

Photo by Fabrizio Conti on Unsplash

A rest

I want to rest
and look out of the window with no regret
I want to exhale
the morning air while laying in my lazy chair
I just want to stop for a moment
or maybe end it altogether

since to the very end, the one who take care of me 
is me
and this path I am walking
is too distant, yet tangled
and I have no idea how to stop
when everyone keep dragging me

Wishes; seriously?

Be as brave and as full of love as the main character. -Iain S. Thomas

After all these years, you really know little about me
don’t you?
your last wishes were a joke
you know I never am the main character
I am a shadow
YOUR shadow
and I never want to step to the light

You know I am as dull as those knives
your father left in the attic since you’re a child
to want me to be brave is too far fetched
I am a snobby loser
a coward
a puppet with no will to fight
I mean I have nothing to fight for

And the lamest jokes of all,
you want me to full of love
when you never give me one
when you always said to be careful of love
that it will hurt you
bite you
leave you when you think it will last

So, do tell me
what was the purpose of your wish?

Photo by abi ismail on Unsplash

Gone and Forgotten

It was only statistics to ‘them’
Counting the lost and broke
With no sympathy for the gone
It was only numbers
When they recites
One from A
Twos from B
I shiver when they read
With little to none of empathy

Do they realize the numbers, once
Had some connections
Some face
Some memories to remember
When they read the numbers
Can’t they insert a little emotions?

Or perhaps
Twas our fate
When we are so small
Particles in the universe
To just gone and forgotten